
500 hours Yoga Teacher Training

Yoga Styles: Hatha Yoga, Hatha Flow, Vinyasa Flow, Yin Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Arm Balancing

Experience two transformative months full of inspiration and challenge. Our 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Bali combines the foundational 200 hour YTT, where you'll learn the essentials of becoming a Yoga teacher, with an advanced 300 hour training.

Course Structure

The program is divided into two semesters, each designed to build upon the previous learning. After completing the first semester, there is a ten-day break, providing you with the opportunity to rest and internalize the information you've learned, and explore the island's natural beauty and cultural richness. 

Semester 1 

The first part of the training focuses on different Yoga styles, including traditional Hatha Yoga, Hatha Flow, and Vinyasa Yoga. You'll learn the fundamental principles and techniques of each style, gaining a comprehensive understanding of their unique benefits and applications. These three weeks provide a solid base for your practice and teaching journey. 

Semester 2 

This part of the training is designed to expand your practice and deepen your understanding of Yoga. Here we will dive deeper into Ashtanga Vinyasa and arm balancing. Chakra meditation is another key component of this training, guiding you through techniques to balance and align your energy centers, promoting overall well-being and heightened awareness. The study of the Hatha Yoga scriptures will enrich your philosophical and spiritual knowledge, offering a deeper context for your physical practice.

Join us

Over two intensive months of dedicated and disciplined practice, you'll have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge and skills. This experience will lead to a profound shift in how you see yourself and the world, ultimately transforming your life. 

We genuinely value direct bookings with us as they help us provide you with the best possible experience.

Program Highlights


Throughout the course, you'll engage in intensive practice sessions, interactive workshops, and detailed lectures. These elements are designed to challenge you, fostering personal growth and professional development. By the end of the 500 hour yoga teacher training Bali, will not only have all the tools you need to guide your students through a well-designed and safe yoga class , you will also have knowledge in more specialized topics, ready to inspire and lead others with your enhanced expertise.

Throughout this 500 hour Yoga TTC in Bali we will take a journey through the rich history and profound philosophy of Yoga. We will begin with the foundational texts and gradually explore more complex philosophical concepts, providing a comprehensive understanding of yoga's evolution and its relevance today.

Etymology and Definition of Yoga: Learn where the word "yoga" comes from and how it has been defined over the course of history.
Aims and Objectives of Yoga: Understand the primary aims of yoga and the specific objectives it seeks to achieve for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
Yoga Eras: Explore the different historical eras of yoga, from its origins in ancient texts to its classical formulations and modern adaptations.
Paths of Yoga: Study the various paths of yoga, including Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, and Raja Yoga, and how each path offers unique approaches to spiritual practice and self-realization.

Patanjali Yoga Sutras (Yoga Darshan): A foundational text on the practice and philosophy of yoga that comprises 196 sutras and outlines the eight limbs of yoga (Ashtanga Yoga): Yama (ethical disciplines), Niyama (personal observances), Asana (postures), Pranayama (breath expansion), Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), and Samadhi (absorption).

Hatha Yoga Pradipika: A classical text on Hatha Yoga written by Swami Swatmarama in the 15th century that describes physical practices (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and purification methods (shatkarmas) essential for preparing the body for higher spiritual practices.

Gheranda Samhita: Another significant text on Hatha Yoga, attributed to the sage Gheranda that emphasizes a seven-fold path to purification and transcendence of the body and mind.

We are blending historical and philosophical knowledge with practical applications so that you will gain a holistic perspective that enriches your practice and teachings.

Variety of Yoga Asana Styles

You will get the chance to practice different styles of Yoga asana. Apart from traditional Hatha Yoga, we teach Ashtanga Vinyasa and more modern styles like Hatha Flow, Vinyasa Flow, and Arm balancing. We also have Yin Yoga classes, but they are for your own practice only. If you would like to learn more about Yin Yoga and be able to teach it, you can join our 50 hour Yin Yoga training. 

Focus on Personal Practice

The main focus in these classes is your own practice. We encourage you to use this training to deepen your own Yoga practice. Cultivating a regular self-practice will be the foundation of all your teaching.

Transformation Through Continuous Practice

After practicing continuously for two months, you will see a huge transformation in your life. It is a wonderful opportunity to integrate tapas – austerity – into your life.

In our asana alignment classes we will then dive deeper into the art of teaching asana. You will learn 

~ How to perform different Yoga postures
~ How to integrate conscious breath awareness
~ The benefits and precautions of each asana
~ How to use props like blocks and belts correctly
~ How to cue your students to get into the postures
~ How to use hands on adjustment under consideration of your students unique body types

This ensures the quality and safety of your future Yoga classes.

After building the foundation in the first month we get into more advanced asanas in the second half of the training.

Ashtanga Vinyasa is part of the Hatha Yoga system and consists of six fixed series with a set order of asanas. We cover the Primary Series and you will be introduced into the art of teaching Ashtanga Vinyasa. We include both Mysore and Led classes. In the second half of the course we will practice in Mysore style 5 days per week and on the 6th day we practice a led class. This allows you to practice in your own pace and according to your experience and to become familiar with both teaching styles. 

You will learn
~ Sanskrit counting
~ Drishti in the asanas
~ The importance of Ujjayi breath during the practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa
~ How to do Vinyasa flow (with jumping back and front)
~ How to do Chakrasana (rollback)
~ How to go from Hasta Uttanasana into Chakrasana and stand back up into Hasta Uttanasana 

We will break down the asanas of the Primary Series and you will learn the alignment and the flow of the poses included.

Opening Mantra
Surya Namaskar A (5 rounds)
Surya Namaskar B (5 rounds)

Standing postures
Sitting postures
Finishing postures
Closing Mantra

We have a special module to dive deeper into the world of arm balances. This section is designed to give students with the skills and knowledge needed to master these challenging yet invigorating poses.

A sneak peek of what students will learn:

  • Strengthening and stabilizing the core muscles to support arm balances
  • Improving balance and focus through mindful practice
  • Techniques for safely entering and exiting arm balancing poses
  • Understanding alignment principles to prevent injuries, including bone-on-bone alignment
  • Modifying poses to suit different body types and abilities
  • Building confidence and overcoming fears associated with challenging postures
  • Exploring a variety of arm balancing poses, from foundational to advanced levels
  • Encouraging creativity and playfulness in exploring different variations and transitions

Some asanas included:

  • Kakasana - Crow pose
  • Eka Pada Koundinyasana - Flying splits
  • Adho Mukha Vrikshasana - Handstand
  • Eka Pada Bakasana - One legged crane pose
  • Mayurasana – Peacock Posture
  • Pincha Mayurasana - Feathered peacock pose

You will learn the complete sequence of 48 yogic exercises created by Sri Dhirendra Bhramchari to activate the pranic body and detoxify and nourish your joints. 

These small movements aligned with breath are very powerful in sharpening the senses and developing willpower and strength.

Chakras are energy centers in our body. They are junction points where the different nadis meet and represent a connection between our physical and astral body. We have seven main chakras in our body along our spinal cord.

The way we live our lives nowadays often results in energy blockages and can lead to physical and mental disturbances and diseases. Chakra meditation is a powerful source to activate and purify our chakras. When all chakras are open, turning and glowing, there are no blockages in the physical, mental and spiritual areas. We feel energetic, stable and in our center.

You will learn to use different meditation techniques, asanas and sequences for each chakra to unfold its potential.

You get the chance to practice some of the six Kriyas used to purify the body and prepare it for a successful Yoga practice. 

You will learn the benefits and precautions of all the Shatkarmas and how to perform them in a safe way to clean and purify your body.

~ Dhauti – Danta Dhauti, Antar Dhauti, Hrid Dhauti, Moola Shodhana Dhauti
~ Vasti – Jal and Sthal
~ Neti – Jal and Sutra
~ Trataka – Bahir trataka , Antar trataka, Adho trataka
~ Nauli – Uddiyana Bandha, Dhyana Nauli, Vama Nauli, Daksina Nauli
~ Kapalbhati – Vatakrama kapalabhati, Vyutkrama kapalabhati, Sheetkrama kapalabhati

What is the difference to breathing practice and pranayama? In this module we will teach you different breathing techniques and introduce you to the art of pranayama – breath expansion.

~ Natural breathing
~ Abdominal breathing
~ Thoracic breathing
~ Clavicular breathin
~ Yogic breathing

You will learn different variations of each pranayama technique and get familiar with the pranayamas mentioned in the Hatha Yoga scriptures.

~ Suryabhedana
~ Ujjayi
~ Sheetkari
~ Shitali
~ Bhastrika
~ Bhramari
~ Murcha
~ Plavini

~ Sahit Pranayama (Sagarbha, Nigarbha)
~ Suryabheda
~ Ujjayi Pranayama
~ Sheetali Pranayama
~ Bhastrika Pranayama
~ Bhramari Pranayama
~ Murchha (Unconsciousness) Pranayama
~ Kevali Pranayama

The meditation module in our 500 hour yoga teacher training Bali consists of both theory and practice classes.

You will learn:

~ The 12 steps of meditation
~ Foods that help improve focus
~ The ideal time and place for meditation practice

Additionally, the module covers:

Basic techniques of meditation
~ Benefits of meditation
~ Mindfulness practices

Every day we will practice meditation together for you to deepen your practice and experience different mediation techniques. 

You will also practice and learn the concept of chakra meditation. Chakra meditation is a powerful source to activate and purify the chakras and you can use it for your own practice and your classes.

Mudras are higher practices that lead to awakening of the pranas, chakras and kundalini. They can give major siddhis, psychic powers, to the advanced practitioner. Usually, mudras are introduced after some proficiency has been attained in asana, pranayama and bandha, and gross blockages have been removed.

We will introduce you to the five classes of mudras and teach you several hand mudras and their effects.

~ Anjali Mudra
~ Jnana Mudra
~ Chin Mudra
~ Dhyana Mudra
~ Prana Mudra
~ Apana Mudra
~ Vayu Mudra
~ Akasha Mudra
~ Prithivi Mudra
~ Varuna Mudra
~ Agni Mudra
~ Ganesha Mudra
~ Surbhi Mudra
~ Asthma Mudra
~ Pankaj Mudra
~ Kubera Mudra
~ Shankh Mudra
~ Garuda Mudra
~ Jal Shaamak Mudra
~ Yoni Mudra
~ Linga Mudra

Every day we are going to chant different mantras together. You might have already experienced the power of certain mantras and how they resonate with you. We will teach you different mantras and their power. We will give you time to practice and repeat the mantras together regularly so that they can settle and unfold their potential.

Mantras you will learn:

~ OM
~ Ganesha Mantra
~ Shivaya Mantra
~ Rama Mantra
~ Shanti Mantra
~ Gayatri Mantra
~ Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra
~ Anapoorna Mantra
~ Patanjali Mantra
~ Ganesha Vakratunda Mantra
~ Guru Mantra
~ Maha Mantra
~ Om Asatoma Sadgamaya Mantra

Nutrition plays a major role in the yogic lifestyle. The food we consume has a tremendous effect on our health and the quality of our yoga practice. Ancient yogis were already aware of that and designed the “Yogic diet”. You will study the different qualities of food and the effects they have on your body; the components of the yogic diet and how to incorporate it in your life.

Ayurveda is the knowledge of life, over 5000 years old and one of the oldest medical systems on earth.  In the second half of the 500 hour teacher training Bali we would like to give you an insight in this fascinating philosophy. 

India’s ancient health system offers so much wisdom for living a healthy and happy life and we are looking forward to sharing some of this knowledge with you. 

~ Introduction to Ayurveda
~ Branches of Ayurveda
~ Five Elements
~ Tri Dosha: Vata, Pitta & Kapha
~ Sapta Dhatus
~ Tips to Balance the three doshas
~ Balancing Diet for Tri Dosha & Six Tastes
~ Improvement of digestion and health
~ Daily routines, seasonal routine and exercises
~ Tips for air travel

Thousands of years ago sages in India already understood how the human body works and what it needs to function properly. They knew the importance of equilibrium and the healing powers of Yoga. In yogic anatomy we introduce you to

~ Panch Mahabhut Tattva (Five Elements)
~ Nadis (Astral Tubes)
~ Prana & Pancha Prana
~ Pancha Kosha
~ Bandhas
~ Kundalini

It is important to know how the different Yoga practices affect the physical body. In our anatomy and physiology classes we give you an introduction into how the human body is build and how it functions. We will teach you how different systems work together and how they are affected by asana, pranayama and meditation practice.

You will learn about
~ Structural design of the human body
~ Musculoskeletal system
~ Hip anatomy
~ Spine anatomy
~ Core Anatomy
~ Nervous system
~ Cardiovascular system
~ Respiratory system
~ Arm and shoulder anatomy
~ Anatomical patterns in arm balances
~ Anatomical patterns in forward bends, back bends and twists

To ensure physical health and to prevent injuries and we also cover typical injuries & health conditions in Yoga. 

Discover the secrets behind the art of teaching Yoga. Ever wondered how your teachers flawlessly flow from one asana to another? In our teaching methodology module, you'll master the skill of sequencing and designing a perfectly balanced Yoga class.

Here is just a glimpse of what you will learn:

  • Preparing yourself to step into the classroom with confidence
  • Mastering the art of demonstrating postures, guiding your students with ease
  • Harnessing the power of adjustment, ensuring your students find safe alignment
  • Understanding the essential precautions to keep in mind while teaching
  • Finding your voice, creating a serene atmosphere in each class
  • Creating a deep connection with your students, addressing their unique needs and states of being
  • Finding out the counter poses for each asana, offering a holistic experience to your students
  • Designing well-rounded classes for beginners, intermediate, and advanced practitioners alike
  • Tailoring classes with specific focuses, catering to individual goals and aspirations
  • Navigating the challenge of teaching students at different levels in the same class

At the end of the first month, you get the chance to teach your first Yoga class in the style of your choice (Hatha Yoga, Hatha Flow or Vinyasa).

Eligibility Criteria


Before joining Anandam Yoga School’s 500 hours Yoga Teacher Training in Indonesia Course, you have to fulfill this eligibility criteria.

  • The minimum age to join this course is 18 and the maximum age is 65 years. If you are older than 65 please provide a medical certificate. Your safety is important for us!
  • You should be able to speak, read and write basic English as this course in conducted in English.
  • You have to be open minded and interested to learn ancient teachings and the traditional way of Yoga.
  • If you are pregnant you have to provide a medical certificate.
  • You must be physically and mentally healthy and fit.
  • You have to provide a medical certificate if you are going through any treatment or have any injuries.
  • If you skip classes, abuse drugs or behave unethically during the course, you will not be allowed to continue and the course fee will not be refunded.

Time Schedule


We divided our schedule into the first and second month, to make it more clear for you when which topic will be taught. Please note that the time schedule is not fixed and can change accordingly to location, teacher availability, weather conditions and general situation.

  • First Semester
  • 06:30 to 06:45 am Shatkarma
  • 06:45 to 07:45 am Pranayama/Meditation
  • 07:45 to 09:15 am Yoga asana practice
  • 09:15 to 10:15 am Breakfast
  • 10:15 to 11:45 am Yoga theory/Anatomy & physiology
  • 11:45 to 01:30 pm Asana Alignment
  • 01:30 to 03:15 pm Lunch
  • 03:15 to 04:45 pm Yoga philosophy
  • 05:00 to 06:30 pm Teaching practice
  • 06:30 to 07:00 pm Mantra Chanting
  • Second Semester
  • 06:30 to 06:45 am Shatkarma
  • 06:45 to 09:15 am Ashtanga Vinyasa & Pranayama
  • 09:15 to 10:15 am Breakfast
  • 10:15 - 11:45 am Anatomy / Chakra Meditation / Ayurveda
  • 11:45 to 01:30 pm Asana Alignment
  • 10:30 to 12:30 pm Asana Alignment
  • 01:30 to 03:15 pm Lunch
  • 03:15 to 04:45 pm Yoga philosophy
  • 05:00 to 06:30 pm Sukshma Vyayama / Arm Balancing
  • 06:30 to 07:00 pm Mantra Chanting

Location & Accommodation

Venue: Indonesia

  • 60 nights including breakfast in a mixed dormitory bedroom. Every bed has a personal mosquito net, reading lamp, safety box, wardrobe shelf, Wi-Fi access and shared bathroom.

  • 60 nights including breakfast in a private single room with fan. Comfortable single spring bed, mosquito net, fan, reading lamp, safety box, wardrobe shelf, shared terrace, shared refrigerator, Wi-Fi access and shared bathroom.

  • 60 nights including breakfast in a private double room with fan. Comfortable double spring bed, mosquito net, reading lamp, safety box, wardrobe shelf, terrace, fan, Wi-Fi access and private bathroom.

  • 60 nights including breakfast in a private double room with AC. Comfortable double spring bed, mosquito net, reading lamp, safety box, wardrobe shelf, terrace, fan, AC, Wi-Fi access and private bathroom.

  • 60 nights including breakfast in a big private double room with AC. Comfortable double spring bed, mosquito net, reading lamp, safety box, wardrobe shelf, terrace, fan, AC, Wi-Fi access and private bathroom.

Upcoming Dates

Upcoming 500 hours Yoga Teacher Training in Indonesia course dates.

01.09.2024 - 26.10.2024
Tuition Fee $ 4500 $ 4000